Archive for May 14th, 2008


the very thing we need most

Sometimes we avoid the very thing that we need the most.

I have been avoiding exercise recently. I know that I need it. I know that it will make me feel better. I know that it will help me in just about every way.

But I still avoid it. And I know better.

I find that sometimes people avoid relationships that can really help – God filled relationships that make us better as humans.

But sometimes we avoid the very thing that we need most.

There are a lot of reasons to avoid real relationships.  Getting to know people is not very efficient at all.  Try being efficient with people and see how much it endears them to you.  It just doesn’t work.  I had to learn how to be efficient with tasks but effective with people.

Effective relationships are filled with “wasted time”.  I have 2 daughters and I’ve found that the only way that I can get quality time with them is to have quantity time with them.  It doesn’t come easily.  You can’t just walk into people’s lives and expect to have depth without taking the time to get past the barriers that we all put up.

Isn’t it interesting that the way that God decided to reveal Himself to the world was to show up on the earth and hang with 12 guys for 3 years.  (and many more people at different levels)  The passages of Scripture that we read about are the quality moments in the midst of quantity time.  They go together.

Relationships are made rich by the time together.  There’s just no other way around it.

When we gather to worship, it’s the consistency of showing up that creates the dramatic moments of change.  Yes, there are divine moments that transcend all of this, but we will miss many more “Aha” moments of revelation if we are not consistent in coming together to worship and celebrate His goodness.  It may sound like a “go to church” line, but there’s a truth to it.  The moments when the celebration seems dead and dull we are not aware that the pathway is being built toward a moment of breakthrough.  The quantity is leading to the quality.

But sometimes we avoid the very thing we need the most.

May 2008